District Mobile App



Danske Bank is one of the biggest banks in the Nordics, providing services and digital solutions to both private and business customers. In the business sector, Danske Bank was developing a new platform to serve all its customers, from big to small, called District.


As part of the development for the new digital business platform District, a Mobile solution needed to be created to support customer tasks on mobile. The first challenge was to envision what tasks of the platform made sense to use on a mobile device and how the workflows would scale to the smaller screens. My task was to design a scaled version of the District web application on mobile.



After exploring multiple design directions that scale the functionality in a different way to figure out what the intended target group would prefer, the direction was set to focus on overview of information and daily tasks; complicated tasks and depth of data would be optimized for web experience.


The mobile business banking solution is an easy to use application to provide at-a-glance information for heavy data users and insight on any pressing issues in their financials. For owners of smaller businesses that prefer to spend as little time as needed on their financial administration, it gives the opportunity to do most daily tasks on the fly.


Mobile, Finance