I am Anne Gerssen
I design intuitive digital products, rich websites and functional tools. I drive innovation.


  • Experience Design

    I create efficient and meaningful experiences through a creative and iterative design process.

  • User Research

    Through different research methods, I identify user needs, problems and characteristics.

  • Digital Strategy

    I couple a strategic and conceptual mindset with passion for turning technology into business.

  • Leading Creativity

    I lead creative teams to unleash their full design abilities and work towards a shared UX vision.

  • Interface Design

    I create user interfaces and visual design that balances usability with brand identity.

  • Service Design

    I use the end-to-end user journeys and creative facilitation to optimize all user touch points.

Recent work


It's a user-centered iterative design process.

  • Understanding Users

    I use various user research methods to gain deep insights about users and products to solve problems and improve experiences.

  • Financial Applications

    I design interfaces for data-heavy financial applications and functional apps for personal use to financial insight and daily use.

  • Business Software

    I design tools, websites and apps for complicated business scenarios and advanced domains with focus on improved efficiency and user satisfaction.

  • Content-rich Websites

    I transform the chaos of massive content into clean, meaningful, and easily accessible experiences for diverse user groups.